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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Special Day

One Sunday a month my entire family gets together for lunch. We each take a turn choosing the location. With everyones busy schedule it is a great way to stay close, keep up with news... and try out new restaurants too ;)
This Sunday was a special day... my parents celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary! I thought this was the perfect time to introduce them, and share some photos of my handsome daddy, and beautiful mom. My brothers and I are truly blessed to have them for parents... they are the best!

My parents met while my father was in the Air Force stationed in Japan.

Dad taught Mom to speak, read and write English... I cannot even imagine moving to an unfamiliar country, having to learn a new language and new customs! I also cannot imagine the time involved in teaching someone how to speak, read, and write a new language.
They overcame many obstacles... and I remember this when I feel faced with obstacles (small compared to theirs).
Here is my mother in her kimono.

Mom tells me that one of the first things she wanted after receiving her citizenship was an American name... Daddy called her "Rose" after her favorite flower. This is one of the first pictures of them as a couple. I'm happy to say their love is still strong... they still do everything together... shop, cook, exercise...etc, etc.
I love you Mom, and Dad, and hope you have many more Happy Anniversarys together!! XXOO


Ruth Welter said...

Hi Diana, ow, that is a lovely story of how your parents met. I so enjoyed seeing their photos, just beautiful.

I wanted to let you know that I answered your question about the ceiling tins on my blog. It is right under your original post. Have a great day.

NeereAnDear said...

What an absolutely beautiful love story... makes me want to sing and cry at the same time... congratualtions to your parents for enduring and over coming such obstables



Vintage Rose Collection said...

Chloe, I really enjoyed yoru story about your parents, how touching! Your mom is beautiful and I loved that your dad called her " Rose". So fitting as she looks like a gentle loving soul...
My parents are coming up to their 55th year this Feb 7th. You have imspired me to make a tribute to my parents.
Thanks, Jo-Anne

FrenchGardenHouse said...


What a sweet love story, thank you for sharing it with us and honoring your parents.

Thanks, too, for visiting me and entering the blog GIVE AWAY!

xo Lidy

Natasha Burns said...

what a fabulous story Diana! it must have been so hard for your mother to come to a new country and learn a new language. She looks so incredibly beautiful and happy in her kimono photos!

kari and kijsa said...

What a beautiful love story! A wonderful anniversary to be celebrated!!

kari & kijsa

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Diana, Your mother is beautiful and your dad is so handsome! No wonder you are so gorgeous!
p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't seen you in a while!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story, Diana! How wonderful that they overcame so many obstacles and are still going strong after 55 years! Your mom looks absolutely gorgeous in her kimono!

S said...

Hello Diane,

Thankyou so much for sharing your lovely story and beautiful pics. Your Mum and Dad look great together and so very happy!

Siobhan xoxo

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Diana ~ That is a wonderful story and I love that they still are so in love and do everything together ! what a blessing !

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Beautiful love story about your parents ~ such a handsome couple! My mom's middle name is Rose.

Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana, what a beautiful love story and a beautiful couple they are. A lovely post Diana :) Jenn and Jacqui


my dear:
God bless your parents as i can see they are lovely people. You have a beautiful mom and am sure she cooks well too.
have a wonderful year.

Stacy's Shabby Shoppe said...

What a lovely post about your Mom and Dad! How inspirational. I thoroughly enjoy it. Thanks for sharing! ~Stacy~